For over ten years, European American Association (EAA), with the help of its devoted volunteers, has been helping fight hunger through its neighborhood Food Pantry. We are very proud that we’ve been able to help countless low-medium income families, individuals and senior citizens through this program.
EAA is a member agency of the Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Federal Emergency Managing Agency (FEMA). These memberships, along with individual donations, permit EAA to provide food to those in need with the hope that someday no one will ever go hungry. Last year we were very proud to serve an average of 100 families each month.

This support helps to build a stronger community spirit with the comfort of knowing someone cares and by relieving the worry of “How am I going to feed my family today”. It also enables our clients to use their energy more constructively by looking for sources to better their environment, education, or by finding a job and improving their income and work situation.
We are put on this earth for a very short time; so, let us help each other whenever we can! For someday all that may matter is what we did to help those who needed us.